Monday, November 3, 2014

A Commentary from the Chancellery of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church on a series of Internet publications during October of this year

During the beginning of October of this year, certain Internet publications appeared with unreliable information regarding the summer meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the RTOC in Krasnodar.  Based upon an earlier decision, the Synod does not publish the minutes of its meetings.  Therefore, the published materials and opinions regarding the decisions of the Synod are without documentary basis.  The Synod expresses its surprise and regret that such a major religious news portal could be so mistaken as to not check its sources before publishing a slanderous article, and later this information was used in the publications of other authors.

The Synod of Bishops of the RTOC officially announces:

1.  The Synod has made no decisions made regarding a new petition “for the suffering Russian land and its Christ-loving army.”
The Synod of Bishops has not expressed any support for the DNR, the LNR, or the Ukrainian Army.  Regarding the question of “Christ-loving warriors (soldiers),” it should be understood that in our Church there are faithful on both sides of the warring conflict in the Ukraine.  People request prayers, and ask how to pray in such circumstances.  Among the parishioners of our Church in the Ukraine there may be families, which have relatives involved in this conflict on both sides.  Because of this, it was decided to pray for "the calming of strife, discord, bloodshed and internecine warfare, because of our sins."
Obviously, this does not imply the army or the government of either side.  This is, in fact, a prayer for all true Orthodox Christians involved in this conflict, and also for the innocent suffering residents, including the elderly, and the women and children living in this war zone.

Regarding the prayer, published on the official site of the Synod in February of 2014 at the very beginning of the conflict, it needs to be said that the wording in the text of the prayer “about the Christ-loving army” has caused some confusion among the flock.  Because of this, the Synod is prepared to review the wording so as to properly express our position, namely “about the Christ-loving warriors (soldiers).”

2.  Hegumen Elia Empulev was not summoned to the meeting of the Synod.  He did not attend the meeting of the Synod, nor did he send a written report.  Granting Hegumen Elia the rank of Archimandrite was not a Synodal decision.  The decision to grant him the rank of Archimandrite was made by his ruling hierarch in June of this year during the altar feast day of the Cathedral in Omsk.
Archimandrite Elia's presentation at the “All-Russian Meeting of Adherents to the Purity of Orthodoxy,” organized by the MP, was without a blessing, as was his video presentation.  Speeches and publications of Archimandrite Elia are not to be considered the voice our Church.

3.  The assertion that Protopresbyter Victor (Melehov) is "the Exarch of the RTOC to North America" does not correspond to the actual state of affairs.  Reasoning regarding the logic of the conclusion of Protopresbyter Victor Melehov’s article, “A Commentary on the Union Between The GTOC and The Greek Synod in Resistance (Cyprianites),” is an arbitrary interpretation by the criticizing author.  The Synod does not share such “logic.”
4.  Regarding Bishop Germogen, the Synod confirmed its previous decision retiring Bishop Germogen with the right to serve in the parishes of the diocese.  Since it was planned to discuss Bishop Germogen’s situation at the Synod, it was decided to invite him to the final confirmation of his status.  At the conclusion of the Synod meeting, Bishop Germogen was invited to concelebrate in the festive liturgy.

The Synod calls upon the clergy and flock to not get involved in the "news" from dubious sources outside of the Church, to not succumb to provocations, but instead to stand firm in the Faith, and remain faithful to Christ's Church and its hierarchy.

Source (in Russian): RTOC Synod Official Website

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